The user is always informed by e-mail that his subscription is coming to an end in time so they can easily prolong it without further problems.

How can I extend my annual tariff?

1. Prolonging is available right through automatic e-mail

The first one is sent a week before the end of the subscription to an e-mail address paired with an account at

Prolonging can be done right in the e-mail by clicking Pay by card.

That will automatically prolong the same subscription that was used the last year.

Another option is to use the Prolong button in the e-mail. That sends the user to the website with an overview of offered subscriptions MINI and PREMIUM, and with an option to choose (it is possible to pay for the subscription by card).

2. Prolonging right in the user´s account on the website

If your subscription is coming to an end, it is possible to prolong it right in the user´s account at in the section Orders.

  • There are two subscriptions available – MINI and PREMIUM. Payment options are card payment or wire transfer.

3. The subscription has ended and issuing is unavailable

In case of subscription ending, the option to issue invoices will be available once payment reaches the bank account of With card payment can account be activated within a few minutes.